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Jane Houng

Jane has lived in China since 1985. She grew up in the UK and studied at a specialist music school in Manchester, and Cambridge University. Musical performance has been a constant theme of her life but she has also worked in academia, journalism, business and English teaching.

In 1981, Jane wrote 'Bathroom Parley' which was short-listed by Faber and Faber for a compilation of novellas by young writers.

In 2006, she published two educational text books for Pearson Education Asia: 'Primary Longman Express Mock Papers for the Territory-wide System Assessment for Primary 3 and Primary 6'.

Writing on a full-time basis since 2009, Jane has written two children's novels, a YA novel, children's dramas, a radio play, poems and short stories. She is currently studying for a MFA at City University Hong Kong. She is a lso a member of the US organisation SCBWI (Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators), WIPS (Women in Publishing) and two critique groups.

In 2011, she published the children's story 'Lantau Life' and 'Houng's', a non-fiction work about the early life of her husband in China. Both are available for sale on Amazon.

Her YA novel Chinese vampire novel 'Bloodswell' is due for publication in early 2012.


  • 出版社:千尋出版社


  • 出版日期:2012/12/22
  • 語言:繁體中文


商品網址: http://idragon.info/redirect.php?k=f3cb786ff313a232655e5727e8184168&uid1=&uid2=&uid3=&uid4=&uid5=

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